Best DIY staycation
Read this best DIY staycation vacation home guide of 2020! So, the COVID-19 virus has you stuck at home, this video tutorial is a must watch! Maybe you can’t jump on an airplane and take your dream vacation right now. Heck, maybe you can’t even get a date night out. But you can still have…
Discount for essential service workers
We are offering a massive 10% discount for essential service workers! Words could never express our gratitude for your service and bravery! However, we hope this exclusive offer helps in showing you our appreciation! Yes, you read that correctly! If you as an essential service working from one of the below industries we would like…
Pre-book your getaway
As we wait for the national lockdown to be lifted, now is the perfect time to pre-book your getaway! Every day we are one step closer to welcoming you back to your favourite holiday destination on the South Coast. We are encouraging holiday-makers to pre-booking their accommodation in advance to avoid disappointment when the lockdown is lifted! Our pre-bookings come with an open–ended reservations date, which allows you to choose a date that suits you best for when the…
How to properly wash your hands
In this informative video provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) we take a look at how to properly wash your hands! For the best possible Hand hygiene, it’s recommended you wash your hands using either soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub. Good hygiene and regular hand washing is our best weapon in…
Message to South Africa
At this challenging time, please read our message to South Africa! When standing united as a nation regardless of race, religion, creed and gender we can overcome all and any adversity! Whatever the Covid-19 epidemic may take from us physically and financial it can never take our humanity! We urge all South Africans to practise…
Ugu Jazz Festival
We have stunning and affordable self-catering accommodation that is ideally located for guests attending the Ugu Jazz Festival. Stop what you are doing, grab a pencil and make a note in your diary that Saturday 27 June 2020 is the Ugu Jazz Festival! Make your travel arrangements and BOOK your accommodation today! Just don’t forget…
Easter Holiday
There is no better place to enjoy your Easter Holiday than the always sunny KZN South Coast! With most schools closing on the 20th of March, accommodation is filling up FAST! Book your getaway today and avoid possible disappointment as well as the stress associated with finding last-minute bookings! We look forward to welcoming you,…